Using Dave Smith’s Prophet 08 To Create A Punchy Bass Sound.
Check out the video below and see one way to get a solid bass patch on the Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08
- Use one oscillator for clearer, punchier sound.
- If you desire a chorus-y wider sound then two detuned oscillators can work well.
- On global settings on your Prophet 08, Select Audio out: mono
- Initialize your patch by pressing ‘Program’ and ‘+/yes’ on the Prophet 08.
- Go to Osc 1 and select Sawtooth or Square wave (Pulse 50).
- Click on unison mode and then select one voice under misc. parameters.
- Use 4 pole filter and eliminate some high frequency content. (63 amount)
- On the Low Pass Filter, dial a decay of 61, release of 64, vel 16
- LFO 1 to )sc 1 pitch, freque of 24 and amount 2
- LFO 2 to audio mod, freq 35 and set amount to taste, be subtle.
- See video below for an example of these settings.